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Becoming A Best-Selling Author in A Multi-Author Book Project

Trust me: you 100% want to take advantage of any multi-author book projects that Four Eagles Publishing has to offer.

You may be wondering “what is a multi-author book?”

Well, a multi-author book is a collaboration. Between people in business where you each write one chapter and have your biography at the end of that chapter.

What it looks like is a done-for-you book project. All you need to do is show up and write and my team and I take care of the rest. We have done this so many times that it’s become second nature, and we are the experts. We are a team of professionals who are passionate about creating high quality books that showcase entrepreneurs just like you!

My publishing house has helped to produce a multitude of best-selling books. Hitting best seller status on Amazon every time, and we have a plethora of other books in the works.

When you say yes, my team and I will be there to guide you every step of the way.

You will be welcomed into the Author’s Inner Circle, a private community. You can get started with a variety of guides and masterclasses designed to help you in producing your best story.

Now let’s talk about the extra important stuff. What results can you expect by saying yes to being a part of a book like this?

Well, you get to stamp your authority in your field, become known as the go-to expert in your industry. Become the leading voice in your niche, and increase your credibility. You will also increase your visibility, so you’re going to have more eyeballs on your stuff than ever before.

What that looks like practically for those I’ve already worked with: getting invited onto five plus podcasts a month. Being a guest expert in someone else’s mastermind or course. Getting invited to speak at events or on summits. Raising your prices because you are now known as that go-to expert. Booking out your programs off the back of the book using strategic marketing strategies.

Because all of these things are happening, you will also get to fill up your client roster. You will be in hotter demand than you ever have been before.

Also, if you’ve ever wanted to write your full book, this is a really great stepping stone. It’s only writing one chapter in a very supportive, nurturing environment instead of waiting for the right time for your solo book to come out.

You can share your story to inspire others to be seen as a leader, and in the writing of your story there is such healing. It’s a cathartic exercise that energetically kind of unplugs any blockages that you’ve had around whatever area you’re writing about and thus it allows you to further expand into your business and into your self-confidence, which in itself is magnetic.

Also, if you’re smart about it, you get to leverage the power of the network. You get to be able to set up strategic affiliate and referral payments with other authors who are in the book.

These are up to 20 other successful individuals in business authoring any single project, so you can set up referral partnerships, get paid from your co-authors as they may become clients, or like I said, be a guest expert in each other’s programs.

Some frequently asked questions include:

Why do I pay to be a part of this kind of project?
Like I said: it’s fully done-for-you by a team of professionals. My team and I do the cover design, the copy editing, the formatting, the amazon bestseller strategy, all of it!

You will become a best-selling author and be able to add that to your professional biography.

You get access to the network and collaboration opportunities within this project itself through networking with the other authors in business. We’re going to tap into the network of all of these other people, because it’s a global project, and we have authors from across the globe. And because they will be marketing the book to their audience, you will get their audiences’ eyeballs on your stuff.

Where do the proceeds from the sale of the book go?
Because it’s a logistical nightmare for me to divide a $0.99 Kindle sale between 20 authors and send them off each time we make a sale, we donate all the proceeds from the sale of the book to a charity which we choose together!

Do I need to be a professional writer to take part?
To be a part of a multi-author book project, you do not need to be a professional writer, but you do need to be able to string a sentence together and to be able to communicate what you’re trying to say effectively. We handle the professional copy editing, so no worries on proofing!

What is included as part of the project?
Like I said, the cover design, the copy editing, proofreading, formatting, Amazon bestseller strategy, a variety of guides and masterclasses, access to this network with your co-authors, and so much more.

What is not included in the project?
Developmental editing and one-on-one support is not available, but that does not mean that I’m not going to support you to the fullest extent that I can.

How long does my chapter need to be?
Around about 3,000 words plus a 150-word bio, plus your professional headshot.

How is the book promoted?
The book is being promoted through the networks of each of the authors in the book. We will be tapping into the networks of all of the 20 or so authors, and it will be going through my network as well, obviously.

Want to see what multi-author book project is currently open for applications? Click here.

I look forward to journeying with you soon!

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