Browse an extensive library of expert advice for entrepreneurs covering everything from books, business and living an incredible life.
Becoming A Best-Selling Author in A Multi-Author Book Project
Trust me: you 100% want to take advantage of any multi-author book projects that Four Eagles Publishing has to offer. You may be wondering “what
Story of The Storyteller
My life is beautiful. But oftentimes, beauty does not happen overnight. In my case, it’s taken a lifetime thus far of 34 years. Recently, I
10 Tips To Reduce Your Word Count
In this article we are talking about how to reduce your word count, either in a manuscript or an article, because sometimes when you are
Getting The Write Flow – Transition Tips
Transitions between our paragraphs and chapters create a cohesive and comfortable reading experience for our readers! Transitions: Create relationships between ideas Give the reader directions
The Comparison Game
Trying to fit yourself into someone else’s idea of who you should be and what you should be doing is a comparison game, a waste
Who Do You Follow Online?
Who do you follow online? The internet has now become the go-to place for people to put their voice out there to be heard and